GENDER EQUALITY - African Renaissance



World Health Day – Health for All

Africa faces a number of challenges in ensuring that every individual has access to quality healthcare – health equity. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of investing in healthcare infrastructure, training healthcare workers and provision of essential medicines and technologies. However, even before the pandemic, many African countries struggled to provide adequate healthcare to their populations, particularly for women and marginalized communities. In order to achieve Health For All, policymakers and legislators must prioritize health equity, gender equality and socio-economic justice.

Challenges facing healthcare in Africa
The challenges facing healthcare in Africa are multifaceted and require comprehensive solutions. One of the main challenges is access to healthcare. Many individuals, particularly those in rural areas, face significant barriers to accessing healthcare facilities due to long distances and lack of transportation. Additionally, the cost of healthcare can be prohibitive for many individuals, particularly those living in poverty. This leads to a lack of preventative care and the overuse of emergency services, which strains the healthcare system.

Another challenge facing healthcare in Africa is a shortage of healthcare workers. Many countries in Africa face a critical shortage of healthcare workers, particularly doctors and nurses. This shortage is due to a combination of factors, including brain drain, where healthcare workers leave their home countries to work in developed countries and a lack of investment in healthcare education and training.

Furthermore, there is a significant gender gap in healthcare in Africa. Women often face discrimination and bias in healthcare, particularly in accessing reproductive health services. This bias in healthcare is due to a lack of investment in women’s health and gender-sensitive policies. The result is that women often have limited access to healthcare services, particularly those related to reproductive health.

Addressing the challenges facing healthcare in Africa
In order to address the challenges facing healthcare in Africa, policymakers and legislators must prioritize health equity, gender equality and socio-economic justice. This work means investing in healthcare infrastructure, training healthcare workers and provision of essential medicines and technologies. In addition, implementation of these policies to address the social determinants of health, such as poverty, unemployment and discrimination.

Investing in healthcare infrastructure
Investing in healthcare infrastructure is crucial to improving access to healthcare in Africa. This investment includes building and equipping healthcare facilities, ensuring access to reliable electricity and clean water and providing transportation to and from healthcare facilities. Additionally, investment in telemedicine and other digital health technologies can improve access to healthcare in remote areas.

Training of healthcare workers
Investment in healthcare education and training is essential to address the shortage of healthcare workers in Africa. This continous medical trainings (CMTs) include training more doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals and investing in community health workers who can provide healthcare services in rural areas.

Provision of essential medicines and technologies
nsuring that essential medicines and technologies are available is critical to improving healthcare on our continent. This technology includes medical supplies to treat communicable and non-communicable diseases and medical technologies such as diagnostic equipment and vaccines.

Addressing the social determinants of health
In order to achieve health equity, policymakers and legislators must address the social determinants of health, such as poverty, unemployment and discrimination. Dealing with these social determinants calls for investment in education, housing, and economic development and implementing policies to promote gender equality and address discrimination.

Promoting gender equality in healthcare
Promoting gender equality in healthcare is essential to ensuring women accessing quality healthcare. It includes investing in women’s health, promoting gender-sensitive policies, and addressing discrimination and bias in healthcare.

Ultimately, achieving Health For All in Africa requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the challenges facing healthcare in the continent. This approach calls for investing in healthcare infrastructure, training healthcare workers and provision of essential medicines and technologies. Moreso, addressing the social determinants of health and promoting gender equality. Policymakers and legislators must prioritize health equity


World Water Day


Caroline Kwamboka N., Trustee & Founding Director, African Renaissance, highlights the need for African countries as they review their sanitation policy guidelines to focus on the needs of marginalized and vulnerable populations. She emphasizes that ensuring access to safe and equitable sanitation is critical to advancing gender equality and social inclusion.


” Africa is lagging in achieving the SDG6 targets.
As countries review their sanitation policy guidelines,
it is very important to remember that poor sanitation
particularly affects populations that are disadvantaged and marginalized.
This includes women and girls and people with disabilities.

On this World Water today,
we urge our leaders to pay special attention
to the needs of marginalized populations
those who are vulnerable,
particularly women and girls living in poverty,
and ensure that gender equality and social inclusion
is mainstreamed in sanitation policies and guidelines.

We have an opportunity to end indignity,
improve health for all,
improve school attendance,
and enhance awareness around
menstrual health and hygiene practices.
If we embrace gender equality and social inclusion
in our policies and guidelines.”

Caroline Kwamboka N.
Founding Director and Trustee,
African Renaissance


#IWD2023 – DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality

We celebrate International Women’s Day annually on March 8th to acknowledge the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women worldwide. This year’s theme is DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality, highlighting the importance of bridging the gender gap in access to technology and innovation for women across the world.

Technology and innovation are playing an increasingly significant role in our lives, and the use of these tools has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. From smartphones to social media, technology has revolutionized the way we interact with the world around us. However, despite the immense benefits technology brings, there is still a significant gender gap in access to technology and innovation.

The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day highlights the need for equal access to technology and innovation for women worldwide. The digital divide is a significant issue that affects women and girls disproportionately. According to the Mobile Gender Gap Report 2020 by GSMA, in all Asian and African countries surveyed for their report, women are significantly less likely than men to own a smartphone. Even in markets with a relatively small mobile gender gap, such as Algeria where the mobile ownership gender gap is just six per cent, the gap widens significantly for smartphone ownership, with 55 per cent of women owning a smartphone compared to 68 per cent of men.

At African Renaissance, we believe that bridging the digital divide is crucial for achieving gender equality, as technology plays a significant role in enabling women to participate fully in the economy and society. With technology, women can access education and training, connect with others and gain access to information and resources that can help them make better decisions about their lives.

In addition to increasing access to technology and innovation, it is also essential to address the gender biases that exist within the technology industry itself. Women are underrepresented in the technology sector, and the industry has been criticized for its lack of diversity and inclusion. Addressing these issues will require a concerted effort from all stakeholders, including policymakers, leaders and us as individuals.

International Women’s Day provides an opportunity for individuals and organizations worldwide to come together and work towards creating a more equitable and just world for women. This year’s theme of DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality highlights the importance of bridging the digital divide and ensuring that women have equal access to technology and innovation. By doing so, we can enable women to participate fully in the economy and society and help create a more prosperous and equitable world for all!


Caroline Kwamboka N. at the AU Gender Pre-Summit

The African Union Gender Pre-Summit held recently was a watershed moment for stakeholders involved in gender equality and health equity in the Africa. As African Renaissance, we had the privilege to participate in the continental meeting.

The Summit, which took place under the theme, “Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investments in Youth to Achieve Gender Equality,” was a significant event that brought together various actors, including policymakers, civil society organizations and grassroots movements, to discuss policies and strategies that can promote gender equality, helath equity and socio-economic justice in Africa.

The Pre-Summit was organized in the lead-up to the 33rd African Union (AU) Summit, which took place on February 9th and 10th, 2023. The AU Summit was an excellent opportunity for African leaders to build on the momentum generated during the Gender Pre-Summit and adopt policies and commitments that can advance gender equality in Africa.

During the Gender Pre-Summit, various speakers highlighted the challenges facing women and girls in Africa, particularly with regards to their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Several participants underscored the need for increased investment in comprehensive sexuality education, family planning, and maternal health services to improve women’s health outcomes in the continent.

Participants also emphasized the need to address the gendered impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa, which has disproportionately affected women and girls, particularly those living in poverty. As such, there were calls for policymakers to prioritize gender-responsive policies and programs that can support women’s economic empowerment and reduce gender-based violence.

Finally, the Gender Pre-Summit was a platform for sharing best practices and success stories from across the continent. Several African countries, including Burundi, Rwanda, Ethiopia and South Africa, were praised for their efforts in promoting gender equality and youth empowerement particularly in political representation and socio-economic support.

We believe that the African Union Gender Pre-Summit was a critical event that highlighted the challenges and opportunities in gender equality and health equity in Africa.

Caroline Kwamboka N., Director, African Renasissance committed that we will be working with other stakeholders to build on the momentum generated during the Pre-Summit and advocate for policies and programs that will advance gender equality and health equity in Africa.


Africa Environment Day: Celebrating Wangari Maathai’s Green Legacy

Africa Environment Day, celebrated annually on 3rd March, is a time to reflect on the pressing environmental challenges facing the continent and to celebrate the efforts of those working to promote sustainable development and protect natural resources. Established by the Organization of African Unity in 2002, this day has become an important platform for raising awareness and mobilizing action on environmental issues in Africa.

Since 2012, Africa Environment Day has been celebrated in conjunction with Wangari Maathai Day, in honor of the late Nobel Laureate’s green legacy. Wangari Maathai was a Kenyan environmental activist and the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. She was a champion of environmental conservation and social justice, and her life and work continue to inspire people around the world.

Maathai’s Green Legacy

Wangari Maathai’s legacy is rooted in her commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development. Throughout her life, she worked tirelessly to promote tree planting, land restoration, and sustainable land use practices in Kenya and throughout Africa. She was a strong advocate for the role of women in environmental conservation, recognizing that women are often the primary stewards of natural resources in many African communities.

Maathai also recognized the linkages between environmental conservation and social justice, and she worked to promote the rights of marginalized communities in Kenya and beyond. She was a vocal critic of government policies that threatened the environment and the livelihoods of local communities, and she was a fearless advocate for democracy and human rights.

In recognition of her contributions to environmental conservation and social justice, Maathai was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004. She used this platform to promote the idea that environmental conservation and sustainable development are essential for peace and prosperity in Africa and around the world.

Celebrating Africa Environment Day

Africa Environment Day is an opportunity to celebrate Maathai’s green legacy and to renew our commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable development in Africa. It is a time to recognize the important role that natural resources play in the continent’s economy and to reflect on the ways in which we can promote sustainable land use practices and protect biodiversity.

There are many ways in which we can celebrate Africa Environment Day and honor Wangari Maathai’s green legacy. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Plant a Tree

Planting trees is one of the most effective ways to combat deforestation and promote sustainable land use practices. It is also a great way to celebrate Maathai’s commitment to tree planting and environmental conservation. You can organize a tree-planting event in your community or plant a tree in your backyard.

  • Volunteer for a Conservation Organization

There are many organizations working to promote environmental conservation and sustainable development in Africa. You can volunteer your time and expertise to these organizations and help to promote their work. This is a great way to honor Maathai’s legacy and to make a positive impact on the environment and communities in Africa.

  • Support Women’s Environmental Initiatives

Wangari Maathai was a strong advocate for the role of women in environmental conservation, recognizing that women are often the primary stewards of natural resources in many African communities. You can support women’s environmental initiatives by donating to organizations that work to empower women in environmental conservation and sustainable development.

  • Promote Sustainable Land Use Practices

Sustainable land use practices are essential for promoting environmental conservation and sustainable development in Africa. You can promote sustainable land use practices in your community by advocating for policies that support sustainable agriculture, forest management, and land restoration.

  • Educate Yourself and Others

Education is a critical component of environmental conservation and sustainable development. You can educate yourself and others about the pressing environmental challenges facing Africa and the ways in which we can promote sustainable development

Innovative ideas for environmental policy: For our legislators and policymakers in Africa

Africa Environmental Day is a time to celebrate the continent’s rich natural resources and to reflect on the challenges facing the environment in Africa. As African Renaissance, we have extensive experience inworking with legislators and policymakers on the African continent. Therefore, we would like to share some innovative ideas for environmental policy that can help promote sustainable development and protect natural resources in Africa. These are:

  1. Promoting Community-based Conservation Initiatives

One of the most innovative ideas for environmental policy in Africa is to promote community-based conservation initiatives that engage local communities in the management of natural resources. This approach recognizes that local communities are often the best stewards of their natural resources and that they have a vital role to play in biodiversity conservation. Community-based conservation initiatives can take many forms, from community-managed wildlife reserves to community-based forest management programs. These initiatives can help promote sustainable land use practices, protect biodiversity, and provide economic benefits to local communities.

  • Establishing Carbon Markets

Another innovative idea for environmental policy in Africa is to establish carbon markets. Carbon markets provide a financial incentive for companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. By setting a price on carbon emissions, carbon markets can help promote climate mitigation and provide funding for climate adaptation initiatives. Establishing carbon markets in Africa could provide a new source of revenue for African countries, while also helping to promote sustainable development and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Developing Green Bonds

Green bonds are another innovative financing mechanism that can help promote sustainable development in Africa. Green bonds are debt instruments that are issued to finance environmentally sustainable projects, such as renewable energy projects or sustainable agriculture initiatives. Green bonds have been successful in other parts of the world and could be an effective way to finance sustainable development initiatives in Africa. By providing a new source of funding for sustainable development projects, green bonds could help promote economic growth and protect natural resources.

  • Investing in Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is a critical component of any effective environmental policy in Africa. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote energy security, and provide economic benefits to local communities. To promote the development of renewable energy in Africa, governments should invest in renewable energy infrastructure, provide incentives for renewable energy development, and promote policies that support the deployment of renewable energy technologies.

  • Strengthening Environmental Governance

Finally, an innovative idea for environmental policy in Africa is to strengthen environmental governance. Effective environmental governance requires strong institutions, transparent decision-making processes, and meaningful public participation.

To strengthen environmental governance in Africa, governments should invest in environmental monitoring and enforcement capacity, promote transparency in decision-making processes, and engage civil society organizations and local communities in environmental decision-making.

In conclusion, there are many innovative ideas for environmental policy in Africa that can help promote sustainable development and protect natural resources. By promoting community-based conservation initiatives, establishing carbon markets, developing green bonds, investing in renewable energy, and strengthening environmental governance, African countries can promote sustainable development and protect their natural resources for future generations. On this Africa Environmental Day, let us commit to working together to promote a sustainable future for Africa.

Photograph: UN / Mark Garten


Zero Discrimination Day: Discrimination harms individuals, communities and society as a whole

Zero Discrimination Day is an annual event that takes place on March 1st to promote the importance of diversity and to address the issue of discrimination worldwide. Discrimination takes many forms and affects people from all walks of life, including race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, and disability. The day provides an opportunity to reflect on how discrimination harms individuals, communities, and society as a whole, and to take action to promote equality and inclusion.

In Africa, discrimination remains a pervasive and entrenched issue that affects many people. Despite the many efforts to promote human rights, discrimination persists in various forms across the continent. Discrimination manifests itself in many ways, including political exclusion, economic marginalization, social stigmatization, and cultural practices. Discrimination affects many vulnerable groups, including women, children, people with disabilities, ethnic and religious minorities, and members of the LGBTQI+ community.

Women and girls are among the groups most affected by discrimination in Africa. Gender discrimination takes many forms, including violence against women, unequal access to education and employment opportunities, and limited participation in decision-making processes. Women also often face discrimination in access to health care, property rights, and inheritance. Discrimination against women not only violates their human rights but also undermines social and economic development.

Discrimination against people with disabilities is another serious issue in Africa. People with disabilities face multiple barriers, including limited access to education, employment, and health care. They also often face discrimination and stigma, which limits their participation in social and political life. In many African countries, people with disabilities are often excluded from decision-making processes and are denied the opportunity to express their opinions and have their voices heard.

Ethnic and religious minorities are also often targets of discrimination in Africa. Discrimination against minorities takes many forms, including exclusion from political participation, limited access to education and employment opportunities, and social stigmatization. In some cases, discrimination against minorities has led to violence and conflict, which has caused enormous suffering and loss of life.

Members of the LGBTQI+ community also face discrimination and violence in many African countries. Same-sex relationships are often criminalized, and individuals who identify as LGBTQI+ face harassment, violence, and discrimination in access to health care, employment, and other basic services. The discrimination and stigma against LGBTQI+ individuals prevent them from fully participating in society and realizing their human rights.

Zero Discrimination Day provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations, and governments to promote equality and inclusion and to take action to eliminate discrimination in all its forms. There are many ways to promote zero discrimination, including raising awareness about the issue, advocating for policies and laws that protect the rights of vulnerable groups, and promoting dialogue and understanding across different communities.

The root causes of discrimination, such as prejudice, stereotypes, and a lack of knowledge and understanding, must be addressed to advance the goal of zero tolerance for discrimination. Additionally, it is critical to promote respect for various cultures, religions, and lifestyles as well as education and awareness about the diversity of the human experience. Governments can also combat discrimination by enacting laws and policies that advance equality as well as by upholding the law when it comes to discrimination. In conclusion, Zero Discrimination Day offers a critical chance to consider how discrimination affects people and communities in Africa and to take concrete steps to advance inclusion and equality. Numerous vulnerable groups, such as women, people with disabilities, members of racial and religious minorities, and LGBTQI+ individuals, are impacted by discrimination, which can take many different forms. The root causes of discrimination, such as prejudice, stereotypes, and a lack of knowledge and understanding, must be addressed to advance the goal of zero tolerance for discrimination.

At African Renaissance, we believe that it is critical to promote respect for various cultures, religions, and lifestyles as well as education and awareness about the diversity of the human experience. Governments can also combat discrimination by enacting laws and policies that advance equality as well as by upholding the law when it comes to discrimination. We want to remind our legislators and policy makers that Zero Discrimination Day offers a critical chance to consider how discrimination affects people and communities in Africa and to take concrete steps to advance inclusion and equality. Numerous vulnerable groups, such as women, people with disabilities, members of racial and religious minorities, and LGBTQI+ individuals, are impacted by discrimination, which can take many different forms.


Calling on African leaders to dedicate resources to gender equality, health equity and socio-economic justice

The World Day of Social Justice is a day set aside by the United Nations to promote social justice and address issues of poverty, exclusion, and inequality around the world. As we mark this day, it is essential to recognize that social justice is a fundamental human right that should be enjoyed by all people, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religion, or socio-economic status. In Africa, social injustice has led to poverty, inequality, and exclusion for many, particularly women and marginalized communities. To address these challenges, it is critical for African leaders to dedicate resources to gender equality, health equity, and socio-economic justice.

To promote gender equality, African leaders must dedicate resources to address the root causes of gender inequality. This includes ensuring that women and girls have access to quality education, healthcare and economic opportunities.

Gender Equality

Gender equality is a critical aspect of social justice. In many African countries, women continue to face discrimination and exclusion in various aspects of their lives. They have limited access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, which limits their potential to contribute to the development of their communities and countries. Gender-based violence is also a pervasive issue, with women and girls being subjected to physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. To promote gender equality, African leaders must dedicate resources to address the root causes of gender inequality. This includes ensuring that women and girls have access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. It also involves promoting women’s leadership and political participation and addressing gender-based violence by implementing laws and policies that protect women and girls.

Health Equity

Health equity is critical to social justice, particularly in the African context. Many African countries have poor health systems, which limit people’s access to essential healthcare services. This has led to high rates of maternal and child mortality, as well as the prevalence of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis. To promote health equity, African leaders must dedicate resources to strengthen health systems and improve access to essential healthcare services. This includes investing in healthcare infrastructure, training healthcare workers, and increasing the availability of essential medicines and vaccines. It also involves addressing the social determinants of health, such as poverty, lack of education, and limited access to clean water and sanitation.

Socio-Economic Justice

Socio-economic justice is critical for promoting social justice in Africa. Many African countries have high levels of poverty and inequality, which limit people’s access to essential services and opportunities. This has led to exclusion and marginalization, particularly for vulnerable communities such as women, children, and people with disabilities. To promote socio-economic justice, African leaders must dedicate resources to address the root causes of poverty and inequality. This includes investing in education and training, creating job opportunities, and promoting inclusive economic growth. It also involves addressing issues such as land rights, access to credit, and social protection, which can help to reduce poverty and inequality.

Call to Action

As we mark the World Day of Social Justice, we call upon African leaders to prioritize gender equality, health equity, and socio-economic justice in their development agendas. This requires dedicating resources to address the root causes of social injustice, such as discrimination, exclusion, and poverty.

We also call upon African leaders to ensure that their policies and programs are gender-responsive, and that they address the unique needs and challenges faced by women and marginalized communities. This includes promoting women’s leadership and political participation, addressing gender-based violence, and improving access to essential healthcare services.

Finally, we call upon African leaders to engage civil society organizations, women’s groups, and other stakeholders in their efforts to promote social justice. These organizations play a critical role in advocating for the rights of the marginalized and vulnerable, and their expertise and perspectives must be considered in policy and program development.


The World Day of Social Justice provides an opportunity for us to reflect on the importance of social justice in Africa and the role that African leaders must play in promoting it. By dedicating resources to gender equality, health equity, and socio-economic justice,


Leveraging technology to deal with Cancer in our Region 

As we join the world in marking World Cancer Day, we call upon leaders in Africa to take action to address the continuing rise of cancer cases in our region. The situation has been dire for the past decade. It is time for decisive action to ensure that African people with or at risk of this disease have accessible and effective healthcare solutions. 

Believed to have been caused by structural and social determinants, cancer rates in Africa are consistently unacceptably high, affecting as many as one in four African people. As of 2018, the African continent accounted for more than 25% of the world’s cancer cases despite representing only 15% of the global population. These statistics are from African countries that lack the infrastructure and funding necessary to address cancer diagnoses effectively. There are also severe inequities in the medical and administrative services available to the African people. This inequity is unfair because they are facing the highest cancer burden globally. This burden creates an urgent need for medical resources and interventions to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer on the African continent. 

Therefore, African leaders must take an active role in addressing these issues and dedicate funds to help fight the cancer battle. African leaders must prioritize the physical and mental health of their citizens. For too long, there has been a lack of investment from national and international funders towards providing cancer services in Africa. This lack of investment must be addressed, as access to life-saving treatments should be a human right for all in Africa. African leaders must also ensure that cancer-related services are adequately provided to all members of their countries and make sure that these services are free of any gender discrimination. Additionally, an increase in public education and awareness initiatives is necessary to ensure that African citizens have access to information on the signs and symptoms of cancer, prevention techniques, and the treatment options available. 

As African Renaissance, we believe that the launch of the Africa CDC is a positive step towards improving public health in Africa by providing a centralized platform for disease surveillance, control, and response. The success of the Africa CDC will depend on various factors such as adequate funding, strong leadership, and effective collaboration with other organizations and governments. Africa CDC will address public health issues, including cancer in the region. Cancer is a growing concern in Africa, and the Africa CDC is well-positioned to play a critical role in addressing this challenge. This program could include initiatives aimed at improving cancer diagnosis and treatment, strengthening cancer surveillance and research, and raising awareness about the importance of early detection and prevention of cancer. The Africa CDC will work with African countries and other partners to develop and implement solutions specific to the needs and circumstances of each country and region. 

Additionally, African leaders should look to technologies that could potentially address the cancer burden on the continent. For example, mobile technology for house calls to the underserved, where there is often a lack of available medical care. It could also help in providing remote treatment and consultation services, which could potentially reduce the costs of healthcare services. 

In conclusion, as African Renaissance observes World Cancer Day this year, we urge African leaders to act to address the challenge of cancer on the African continent. This action can include dedicating and raising the much-needed funds to invest in life-saving treatments, providing adequate medical and administrative services to those in need, and utilizing available technologies to ensure that all African citizens have access to quality healthcare services. Only through a collective effort to ensure equitable access to cancer care can we begin to make a difference in the battle against the cancer epidemic in Africa. 


Distributing Dignity Kits is a powerful way to support the development of African Girls 

Dignity Kits are an invaluable tool for helping girls in African countries. Especially, for the girls that lack access to basic amenities and resources. By providing these girls with the tools and materials they need to maintain their hygiene, health and dignity, these kits can play an integral role in empowering communities and individuals in some of the world’s poorest countries. 

Dignity Kit distributions are an effective form of gender equality and empowerment. For adolescent girls and women in Africa, accessing basic water and sanitation supplies can be a life-changing opportunity. A lack of access to these resources can often leave girls and women feeling embarrassed, ashamed and vulnerable due to the lack of basic hygiene, health, and dignity. The social stigma associated with not having these resources can leave girls increasingly isolated in their communities and prevent them from reaching their full potential.  

Dignity Kits can also provide ongoing educational opportunities to girls in African countries by ensuring they have the essential items they need in order to attend school. By providing a girl with a Dignity Kit, she will have the supplies necessary to help her reach her educational goals. The kits contain basic water and sanitation supplies, feminine hygiene products, clothing, shoes and educational materials such as writing materials and textbooks. Thus, providing girls with Dignity Kits can increase their confidence, motivate their academic studies and help them to build a successful future for themselves and their families. 

In addition to promoting gender equality, Dignity Kit distributions can also provide a range of health benefits for girls and women in African countries. By providing them with access to basic hygiene and sanitation items, these kits can help to reduce the rates of hygiene-related illnesses, such as skin and respiratory conditions, which are common in under-resourced countries. Furthermore, providing girls and women with access to these resources can also help to reduce their risk of becoming victims of sexual assault and other forms of gender-based violence. 

Together with Biems House, we at African Renaissance had the privilege to talk to a few girls in Narok County in Kenya and one of the requests they had for us was to provide them with these dignity kits. It was an honor to take a trip back to deliver our promise to these girls. We were able to deliver a number of kits with additional kits for the boy. We believe that will small step will show our leaders that it is possible to invest a about five dollars for a kit that will give freedom to a girl for a few months. The confidence that the girls acquire from accessing these basic supplies will have a ripple effect in their future and the future of their communities.  

Having seen the importance of Dignity Kits distribution in Africa, we call upon our leaders and the governments around the world to make every effort to ensure that girls and women in these countries have access to the basic supplies they need to maintain their health, safety, and dignity. This could include increasing access to health infrastructure, providing more resources and education opportunities, and organizing more regular Dignity Kit distributions. In doing so, governments can empower thousands of girls in African countries to reach their full potential. 


Improving access to education and providing opportunities for all children

Today, we mark the International Day of Education. This day gives us an opportunity as leaders in Africa to reflect on the progress made in education. It is the time to also set new goals for the future.

Here is a message from our Director, Ms Caroline Kwamboka N.:

On this International Day of Education, I would like us all to take a moment to recognize the hard work and dedication of our teachers and learners in Africa.

We have come a long way in improving access to education and providing opportunities for all children to learn especially for our girls and women. However, we must not rest on our achievements and therefore we need to remain committed to achieving true equity and inclusivity in our education systems.

Today, I call upon all leaders to redouble our efforts to ensure that all children especially our girls have access to a high-quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances. This means investing in our education systems. Therefore, we need to focus on our policies that touch on teachers, schools and providing resources to support students with disabilities. It also means addressing systemic inequalities and ensuring that marginalized communities have the same opportunities as others.
Let us also remember that education is not just about obtaining knowledge, but also about developing critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving skills. Education also shapes our future leaders and entrepreneurs who will shape the future of Africa.

To quote the words of our African hero Nelson Mandela, “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another.” 

This is a reminder that we have to make education accessible to all and let us build a better future for Africa together! 

As African Renaissance, we pledge to support our leaders to formulate and implement a policy structure that will give direction on the necessary steps to create an education system that truly serves the needs of all our citizens. 

Happy International Day of Education!