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About Us

African Renaissance is a Not-for-Profit Trust that envisions a continent where populations live healthy, empowered, and dignified lives. African Renaissance was established in 2019 to challenge ideological, structural, and political drivers of inequality, inequity and injustice. Tackling inequality, inequity, and injustice not only aligns with global human rights principles but also paves the way for a unified and thriving Africa, capable of voicing its own concerns and playing a significant, authentic and dignified role on the global diplomacy stage.

We are persuaded that overcoming inequality, inequity, and injustice is necessary for the realization of Africa’s full potential as articulated in African Union’s Agenda 2063. African Union’s Agenda 2063 is Africa’s blueprint and master plan that aims to deliver on inclusive and sustainable development through 7 Aspirations & 20 Goals pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance.

African Renaissance is invested in drumming Africa towards transformational development for all.

We advance our mission by intervening in policy processes to position gender equality, health equity and socio-economic justice, and we pursue our goals through the direct engagement of policy makers, political leaders, parliamentarians, champions and communities across Africa. African Renaissance Trust is registered in the Republic of Kenya, accredited to the African Union and described in section 501(c)(3) and section(s) 509(a)(1), 170(b)(1)(a)(vi) of the US Internal Revenue Code.

African Renaissance thus, operates in the complex intersection where the rights bearers, the duty bearers, policy and practice converge to inspire and support inclusive and empowering policy processes that serve the Africa’s Citizenry with specific focus on meeting the needs of marginalized populations, women, and the youth.

AU Agenda 2063 is Africa’s concrete manifestation of the Pan-African drive for unity, self-determination & freedom progress and collective prosperity

Cheikh Anta Diop a Senegalese historian, anthropologist, physicist, and politician, significantly influenced the African Renaissance in the 1940s.

We recognize our heroes H.E. Thabo Mbeki Prof. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza Prof. Olúfémi Táíwò and others who have laid the intellectual and

