Every year, natural disasters affect billions of people; Millions go to bed hungry every night; Access to sanitary water is a bigger problem with each new day; More and more people are getting displaced every day. The people in the front line of the response to all these are humanitarians. They alleviate human suffering without regard to race, religion or territory.
On World Humanitarians Day, we take the time to recognise the efforts of humanitarians . This is because they also suffer and some are injured or killed in the line of duty. Their efforts save lives and help to preserve human dignity. The day is marked to raise awareness of how humanitarians try to make the world a better place.
As African Renaissance, we take today to celebrate the work of humanitarians on the African continent. Their work in conflict zones with vulnerable people, especially girls and women, is remarkable. We take their work as an inspiration to dedicate more effort to making Africa a place where people live in dignity. Their effort is a call to all of us to respond to the needs of the people who are in emergencies.
We are committed to making policies that ease the work of humanitarians in Africa and the world. We salute all humanitarians! We appreciate that they show that one can do it alone – it takes a village!